Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 7, London (20 coins)
1. Aim parallel to the walls and hit full blast. The ball should roll in between the buses and hit the two coins. If not, keep hitting until you get both coins.
2. Aim parallel to second walls and hit the ball full strength when the light turns yellow to green. The ball will roll across the bridge.

3. Gently hit (small to medium force) the ball so that it rolls down, but does not go past the three coins.

*In step 2, you can also hit the ball on a red light. It will roll back down. Then, the next shot you can hit the ball full blast (straight/parallel to walls) when it’s green, so that the ball will roll over the bridge and just before the three coins.

4. Very carefully (very small force, no stem of arrow showing) get the three coins, being careful not to touch the shadow of the Ferris wheel.

5. Then aim the arrow at the shadow of the Ferris wheel with slightly-smaller-than medium force (1.5 cm or a bit more than 0.5 in.). This is to make the ball reach the other side, but not fly into the hole right away.

6. Aim to the left or right side walls to get 2 small coins. With medium-large power, the ball will also roll up to the higher platform.

7. Get the 2 large coins behind Big Ben and the other 2 small coins (the ball will roll down and hit them) by aiming with medium force along the wall.

8. To get up the ramp, use medium force and make sure the arrow is parallel with the ramp and use the wall behind you as well. The arrow tip should just barely climb up the ramp – too much power will cause the ball to bounce off the tower and roll back down.

(in this shot the ball bounced off the tower and stopped close to the edge of the ramp)
9. Carefully get the little coin that’s in front of the hole. Always use little strokes and then only arrowhead “triangles” when really close to the coin/hole.

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