Saturday, January 31, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at London (20 coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 7, London (20 coins)

1. Aim parallel to the walls and hit full blast. The ball should roll in between the buses and hit the two coins. If not, keep hitting until you get both coins.

Metal Detector at London 1

2. Aim parallel to second walls and hit the ball full strength when the light turns yellow to green. The ball will roll across the bridge.

Metal Detector at London 2

3. Gently hit (small to medium force) the ball so that it rolls down, but does not go past the three coins.

Metal Detector at London 3

*In step 2, you can also hit the ball on a red light. It will roll back down. Then, the next shot you can hit the ball full blast (straight/parallel to walls) when it’s green, so that the ball will roll over the bridge and just before the three coins.

Metal Detector at London 4 Metal Detector at London 5

4. Very carefully (very small force, no stem of arrow showing) get the three coins, being careful not to touch the shadow of the Ferris wheel.

Metal Detector at London 6 Metal Detector at London 7

5. Then aim the arrow at the shadow of the Ferris wheel with slightly-smaller-than medium force (1.5 cm or a bit more than 0.5 in.). This is to make the ball reach the other side, but not fly into the hole right away.

Metal Detector at London 8

6. Aim to the left or right side walls to get 2 small coins. With medium-large power, the ball will also roll up to the higher platform.

Metal Detector at London 9

7. Get the 2 large coins behind Big Ben and the other 2 small coins (the ball will roll down and hit them) by aiming with medium force along the wall.

Metal Detector at London 10

8. To get up the ramp, use medium force and make sure the arrow is parallel with the ramp and use the wall behind you as well. The arrow tip should just barely climb up the ramp – too much power will cause the ball to bounce off the tower and roll back down.

Metal Detector at London 11

(in this shot the ball bounced off the tower and stopped close to the edge of the ramp)

9. Carefully get the little coin that’s in front of the hole. Always use little strokes and then only arrowhead “triangles” when really close to the coin/hole.

Metal Detector at London 12 Metal Detector at London 13 Metal Detector at London 14

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Egypt (38 Coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 6, Egypt (38 coins)

1. Aim the arrow head so that the left edge is aligned with the left-most edge of the second dark rectangle on the left side of the path. The arrow head should be aligned with the beginning of the rectangle (pointing at the end of the rectangle is too much power) and the left edge of the triangle does not touch the left edge of the rectangle. If you do not get both coins, keep trying (or if you get one and manage to go through, reset to the beginning of the hole).

Metal Detector At Egypt 1 Metal Detector At Egypt 2

2. Set the ball so that is in front of one of the two legs of the sphinx.

Metal Detector At Egypt 3

3. Aim the ball so that it goes straight up the leg and is slightly angled toward the nose of the sphinx. If you don’t break its nose, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Metal Detector At Egypt 4

4. Zoom out to see the large square hole on the right side of the pyramid. Aim the ball so that it rolls up the pyramid and rolls/bounces down into the square hole. Keep trying, it is a lot of trial-and-error and adjusting. YAY! You got the hidden treasure!

Metal Detector At Egypt 5

Metal Detector At Egypt 6

5. Once the ball is “spit out” of the pyramid, aim the ball to go straight up into the hole at the top of the pyramid. This also requires a lot of trial-and-error, but I find that using full power almost never works (so use a bit less). The ball will get all the coins along the wall.

Metal Detector At Egypt 7 Metal Detector At Egypt 8

6. Once the ball stops from rolling along the “coin wall” aim the ball so that it is parallel to the brown wall to get the small coin/go up the little ramp, use medium power (full might make the ball go into the hole).

Metal Detector At Egypt 9

7. Set the ball so that it is behind the first little brown pyramid.

Metal Detector At Egypt 10

8. Aim the ball so that the arrow travels up the little pyramid and onto the sphinx’s back. The arrow stem should show a little “bump” and the arrow head should point to the groove above the sphinx’s hind leg. Keep trying if the ball rolls off the back/into the grass.

Metal Detector At Egypt 11

(In this picture, I got the 2 coins, but the ball bounced back, almost to the hole. It is better to have more control of the ball.)

9. Using very small force, get the two large coins behind the sphinx’s head.

10. Roll off his back and carefully get the last coin (if you haven’t already) before sinking the ball into the hole.

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Metal Detector Trophy - How to at New York (12 Coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 5, New York (12 coins)

1. Aim full blast (or almost full blast if your ball bounces into the river) parallel to the walls and hit the ball when both taxis move just past the middle on their way to the top wall (or on the way to the bottom wall).

Metal Detector At New York 1

2. Aim the ball towards the first coin in the centre of the stadium and hit it when the gorillas’ eyes are green/ his arm is up.

Metal Detctor At New York 2

3. Aim the ball parallel to the walls and half the arrow head’s triangle should be on the hill. The ball should touch the small coin on the other side. If not, shoot back with small force to edge closer to get it (but this will make it more difficult to get the large floating coin).

Metal Detector At New York 3

4. Aim the ball straight/parallel to the upper wall and the arrow head should go over the whole hill and almost touch the pool. If you don’t hit the large coin, I recommend you start from the beginning, because it is very difficult to hit from the other side and not have the ball roll into the first pool.

Metal Detector At new York 4

5. Get the remaining 3 coins, being careful with the one closest to the last pool.

Metal Detector At New York 5 Metal Detector At New York 6

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Paris (17coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 4, Paris (17 coins)

1. Aim full blast, slightly to the left of the first coin and hit the ball when the car hits the upper wall and just starts to drive down. Take good note in the figure that the white arrow tip is not on the coin and the car just started to drive down. You can also hit the ball when the car just hits the lower wall/starts to drive up. The ball should hit all starting coins and go through the arch and stop just before the bridge.

Metal Detector Paris 1

2. Go back and get the 3 coins around the Louvre (glass pyramid) museum. An easy way is set the ball so that it can hit the wall and travel around. You might not hit the one behind the pyramid, so either travel around in the pyramid in the opposite direction or take small shots.

Metal Detector Paris 2

Metal Detector Paris 3

3. Set the ball to be in front of the bridge and with a more-than medium force, hit the ball so that it hits the large coin floating over the bridge.

Metal Detector Paris 4

4. THE LAST FOUR COINS ARE TRICKY! You have to be VERY careful not to let the ball touch the dark bowl-shaped carpet or else the ball will roll into the hole. What I did: gently tap the ball so that it hits the edge of a leg from the Eiffel Tower and with medium/large force hit parallel to (or slightly away from) the neighbouring leg. Repeat this for all 4 coins.

Metal Detector Paris 5

Metal Detector Paris 6

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Rome (35 coins):

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 3, Rome (35 coins)

1. Aim VERY straight/parallel to the walls and full blast – to reach the 3 coins on the column. If you do not get any, reset the ball to the beginning, adjusting your aim. ( i.e. if the ball fell on the right side of the column, aim slightly more left).

Metal Detector Rome 1

2. If you manage to get the first two, you can shoot the ball so that it is just before the smaller broken column and aim it parallel to the closest edge and the arrow head should be touching/almost touching the faint line. If you don’t get the last coin, retry either way (using the small or large column).

Metal Detector Rome 2

3. Reset the ball and aim straight down the middle with full force of the narrow left side path. (there’s 4 small coins)

Metal Detector Rome 3

4. Aim the ball full force towards the coliseum to get 2 large coins.

Metal Detector Rome 4

5. When the ball hits the pizza, aim a bit more than 1 cm or ½ in. slightly to left or right side of the hole.

Metal Detector Rome 5

6. Carefully (using very little force) get all the coins around the hole.

Metal Detector Rome 6

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Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Beijing (24 coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 2, Beijing (24 coins)

1. Aim straight, parallel with the walls, with the arrow head just barely up the incline.

Metal Detector Beijing 1

2. The second (and third, if necessary) shot should have a cm (or less than ½ in.) length arrow aimed to the left of the last coin, but still in the pale grey tile. (try not to let the ball roll off into the pool).

Metal Detector Beijing 2

3. Aim the arrow full blast, pointing at the forehead of the statue. If the ball doesn’t hit all three large coins, click the menu button and reset the ball to the beginning. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

Metal Detector Beijing 3

4. Once you have all three large coins, zoom out and check to make sure you have all the coins on the Great Wall of China. If not, reset the ball and carefully (medium force) get them.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

How connected are you in pet society?

How many connection you have in pet society? Are you like me who never scroll to the end for a while? Have you ever wonder?

It could determine how much daily pocket money you have in this game. Provided you have the time to visit all. LOL.

Given that:
1. The first 50 friends = 20 coins per visit.
2. The next 25 friends = 10 coins per visit.
3. The rest of the friends = 5 coins per visit.

This is only friends visit, not inclusive of the extra coins that you could receive while making the pets happy and clean, especially those pets with happiness and hygiene bar empty.

I was just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling today. Anyone wants to make a wild guess how many connections I have as of today 4th Jan 2009? Locking to this date because I have friends add request almost everyday.
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2009 everyone.

Hi All,

Just a quick post to wish all a Happy New Year! Happy gaming as well.

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