Friday, December 26, 2008

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Taj Mahal, 27 coins

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 1, Taj Mahal (27 coins)

1. Aim slightly to the right of the three coins at maximum strength. The ball should hit all three, bounce off the wall and hit the next three coins. The ball might hit the one on the hill, but that’s ok if it doesn’t.

Metal Detector Taj Mahal 1

2. Make the ball roll down the hill (if it hasn’t already) but don’t aim for the hole. Zoom out so you can see the all of the Taj Mahal.

Metal Detector Taj Mahal 2

3. Aim full force towards the Taj Mahal, in between the building and the rightmost post (almost straight, slightly angled). Keep trying if it bounces off the post or rolls onto grass/off the marble floor or doesn’t make it at all.

4. There are four large coins inside (each worth five coins). Use very small force – 1 or 2 dots of the stem of the arrow, or none at all. BE CAREFUL with the one facing the red carpet/bird. I would do it last, because it might roll onto the carpet before you collected the other three.

Metal Detector Taj Mahal 3

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