Sunday, April 26, 2009

Learn How To Recycle Items In Pet Society

Reduce Reuse Recycle | Learn How To Recycle Items In Pet Society!

Go green in pet society.

Is your room or chest too cluttered with unused items with no room for display? Now you can recycle it and exchange for a prize item. You can recycle anything, I've tried food, door and even poo! By the way recycle poo gives 8 recycle points, 5 point food item gives 10 recycle points.

There are 3 cut off points to cash out at 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 recycle points. It is also an award that you can chase after!

Here's how you can get to the recycle bin.

Step 1:

Look for your chest and open it up.

Recycle Reuse Reduce

Step 2:

You will find the recycle bin located just under the cash register. To recycle an item just drag the item that you want to recycle to the recycle bin.

Recycle Reuse Reduce

Step 3:

And you will be greeted with this screen where you are shown the recycle points that you item is worth. If you have decided to recycle the item just click on the "tick" to proceed the recycle job. That's it!

Recycle Reuse Reduce

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Smile and Say Cheese in Pet Society

Your pet can now Smile and Say Cheese!

Just found a new icon when I visited pet society today. Guess what! you can take a picture of your pet now.

Say Cheese

Look for the camera icon just beside the status (smiley face). Click on it and you will be brought to the screen below.

Where you can take a picture of the room, a close up shot ofyour pet or even a portrait shot!
Cool I just too 2 pictures, one close up shot and a shot at the stadium ... After my pet won the race of course. HeeHee what else. Yeah victory shot!

Got try it out, you can display those photos as well on Facebook photo albums.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Make your pet poo in pet society.

Well, since my last post is about the "House of shit Award". I guess is good to share a little about getting you pet to poo in the pet society game. I had observed that new pet poo faster. (No pun intended.)

First of all, your pet needs to be left "dirty" meaning having a low hygiene score. Hygiene is represented by the blue bar. I recalled not cleaning it for days.

Secondly, keep on feeding and playing with your pet. Feeding is represented by the red bar and playing the green bar. I keep those as full as possible.

Rule of the thumb is eat and play with no bath! Sounds like any typical kid who does not like to shower isn't it? ;-)
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Unique houses on Pet Society

Interesting neighbors around you.

This house is vying for the:

"House Full of Shit" award

Seen better ones, alert me. Get featured on my blog ;-) It's free publicity and more friends add...
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mini Golf Language Change

Woah! Playfish is learning fast that their players speaks a variety of language and not only English. This could probably the first game that has language change menu. Have you seen anything similar before? Website yes, but in games, hmm this may be the first?

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Moscow (9 Coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 9, Moscow (9 coins)

1. Aim the arrow full blast so that the edge of the triangle hits the left or right side of the wall (I prefer the right side). The ball should reach the large coin on top of the ramp.

Metal Detector at Moscow 1

2. The ball usually doesn’t hit the small coin on the ramp. Use small force to get closer to the bottom of the ramp. Then, with medium force, aim for the coin.

Metal Detector at Moscow 2 Metal Detector at Moscow 3

3. Aim the ball to hit all three flaps and the rest of the coins. (this part is always random, unless you hit the first flap at a certain angle that makes the ball roll in the shape of a diamond, hitting all flaps and coins and entering the launch… I’ve never done it , but know someone who can).

Metal Detector at Moscow 4

(as you can see, I’m not good at angling and the shot I made did not hit all the flaps, but the black arrow shows how the ball will move if properly angled) Also, I do not know the proper timing so that the bear doesn’t block the ball after it hits the last coin.

4. Aim for the launch once all flaps and coins are hit, but use medium force if you are near the entrance or fairly large force if you’re far (and make sure the bear is not going to block the entrance, i.e. let him pass the entrance and be on his way towards the ramp.

Metal Detector at Moscow 5

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Mexico (31 coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 8, Mexico (31 coins)

1. Aim parallel to the walls and full force. The ball should bounce off all the walls and hit the first coin before stopping in front of the ramp. If not, reset to the beginning.

Metal Detector at Mexico 1

2. Align the arrow full blast parallel to the walls of the ramp, or point the arrow head slightly off-centre of the top of the ramp. If you do not get the coin, restart to the beginning.

Metal Detector at Mexico 2

3. Carefully shoot backwards to get the coin at the edge (use less than a cm/0.5 in.) be careful not to roll off. If I don’t fall into grass, but into the path, I like to restart again.

Metal Detector at Mexico 3

4. Always aim parallel to the tiles, so that the ball bounces off the angled walls and rolls straight along the “wall-less” path.

Metal Detector at Mexico 4 Metal Detector at Mexico 5

5. If you miss any coins, go back and always carefully aim to get them (small force).

6. To get the floating coin, 2 steps:
a) aim the ball to bounce back so that it is close to the crocodile’s head.

Metal Detector at Mexico 6

b) Aim the ball so that it hits the crocodile’s head (usually it should point at his snout/ tip of the crocodile’s mouth, not the top of his head). When you hit the right spot the crocodile will yank open his mouth and throw you golf ball upwards.

Metal Detector at Mexico 7

7. Aim the ball with medium force towards the hole in the hat.

Metal Detector at Mexico 8

8. Get the large coins that are beside the Aztec pyramid. Using the angled corners are helpful, especially if the ball is close the walls.

Metal Detecrot at Mexico 9 Metal Detector at Mexico 10

9. Carefully get the 2 small coins in front of the pyramid (if you didn’t get them when shooting through the hat).

10. Line up the ball to the edge of the wall of the pyramid and aim the ball to go straight up the pyramid, but the arrow head bottom edge should just touch the top edge of the pyramid (too much power makes the ball fly behind the pyramid).

Metal Detector at Mexico 11

11. If the ball does not directly go into the hole, use very little force (0.5cm/0.75 in.) to get into in the hole (too much power will make the ball bounce of walls and/or roll down).

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at London (20 coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 7, London (20 coins)

1. Aim parallel to the walls and hit full blast. The ball should roll in between the buses and hit the two coins. If not, keep hitting until you get both coins.

Metal Detector at London 1

2. Aim parallel to second walls and hit the ball full strength when the light turns yellow to green. The ball will roll across the bridge.

Metal Detector at London 2

3. Gently hit (small to medium force) the ball so that it rolls down, but does not go past the three coins.

Metal Detector at London 3

*In step 2, you can also hit the ball on a red light. It will roll back down. Then, the next shot you can hit the ball full blast (straight/parallel to walls) when it’s green, so that the ball will roll over the bridge and just before the three coins.

Metal Detector at London 4 Metal Detector at London 5

4. Very carefully (very small force, no stem of arrow showing) get the three coins, being careful not to touch the shadow of the Ferris wheel.

Metal Detector at London 6 Metal Detector at London 7

5. Then aim the arrow at the shadow of the Ferris wheel with slightly-smaller-than medium force (1.5 cm or a bit more than 0.5 in.). This is to make the ball reach the other side, but not fly into the hole right away.

Metal Detector at London 8

6. Aim to the left or right side walls to get 2 small coins. With medium-large power, the ball will also roll up to the higher platform.

Metal Detector at London 9

7. Get the 2 large coins behind Big Ben and the other 2 small coins (the ball will roll down and hit them) by aiming with medium force along the wall.

Metal Detector at London 10

8. To get up the ramp, use medium force and make sure the arrow is parallel with the ramp and use the wall behind you as well. The arrow tip should just barely climb up the ramp – too much power will cause the ball to bounce off the tower and roll back down.

Metal Detector at London 11

(in this shot the ball bounced off the tower and stopped close to the edge of the ramp)

9. Carefully get the little coin that’s in front of the hole. Always use little strokes and then only arrowhead “triangles” when really close to the coin/hole.

Metal Detector at London 12 Metal Detector at London 13 Metal Detector at London 14

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Egypt (38 Coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 6, Egypt (38 coins)

1. Aim the arrow head so that the left edge is aligned with the left-most edge of the second dark rectangle on the left side of the path. The arrow head should be aligned with the beginning of the rectangle (pointing at the end of the rectangle is too much power) and the left edge of the triangle does not touch the left edge of the rectangle. If you do not get both coins, keep trying (or if you get one and manage to go through, reset to the beginning of the hole).

Metal Detector At Egypt 1 Metal Detector At Egypt 2

2. Set the ball so that is in front of one of the two legs of the sphinx.

Metal Detector At Egypt 3

3. Aim the ball so that it goes straight up the leg and is slightly angled toward the nose of the sphinx. If you don’t break its nose, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Metal Detector At Egypt 4

4. Zoom out to see the large square hole on the right side of the pyramid. Aim the ball so that it rolls up the pyramid and rolls/bounces down into the square hole. Keep trying, it is a lot of trial-and-error and adjusting. YAY! You got the hidden treasure!

Metal Detector At Egypt 5

Metal Detector At Egypt 6

5. Once the ball is “spit out” of the pyramid, aim the ball to go straight up into the hole at the top of the pyramid. This also requires a lot of trial-and-error, but I find that using full power almost never works (so use a bit less). The ball will get all the coins along the wall.

Metal Detector At Egypt 7 Metal Detector At Egypt 8

6. Once the ball stops from rolling along the “coin wall” aim the ball so that it is parallel to the brown wall to get the small coin/go up the little ramp, use medium power (full might make the ball go into the hole).

Metal Detector At Egypt 9

7. Set the ball so that it is behind the first little brown pyramid.

Metal Detector At Egypt 10

8. Aim the ball so that the arrow travels up the little pyramid and onto the sphinx’s back. The arrow stem should show a little “bump” and the arrow head should point to the groove above the sphinx’s hind leg. Keep trying if the ball rolls off the back/into the grass.

Metal Detector At Egypt 11

(In this picture, I got the 2 coins, but the ball bounced back, almost to the hole. It is better to have more control of the ball.)

9. Using very small force, get the two large coins behind the sphinx’s head.

10. Roll off his back and carefully get the last coin (if you haven’t already) before sinking the ball into the hole.

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Metal Detector Trophy - How to at New York (12 Coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 5, New York (12 coins)

1. Aim full blast (or almost full blast if your ball bounces into the river) parallel to the walls and hit the ball when both taxis move just past the middle on their way to the top wall (or on the way to the bottom wall).

Metal Detector At New York 1

2. Aim the ball towards the first coin in the centre of the stadium and hit it when the gorillas’ eyes are green/ his arm is up.

Metal Detctor At New York 2

3. Aim the ball parallel to the walls and half the arrow head’s triangle should be on the hill. The ball should touch the small coin on the other side. If not, shoot back with small force to edge closer to get it (but this will make it more difficult to get the large floating coin).

Metal Detector At New York 3

4. Aim the ball straight/parallel to the upper wall and the arrow head should go over the whole hill and almost touch the pool. If you don’t hit the large coin, I recommend you start from the beginning, because it is very difficult to hit from the other side and not have the ball roll into the first pool.

Metal Detector At new York 4

5. Get the remaining 3 coins, being careful with the one closest to the last pool.

Metal Detector At New York 5 Metal Detector At New York 6

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