Friday, January 9, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Beijing (24 coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 2, Beijing (24 coins)

1. Aim straight, parallel with the walls, with the arrow head just barely up the incline.

Metal Detector Beijing 1

2. The second (and third, if necessary) shot should have a cm (or less than ½ in.) length arrow aimed to the left of the last coin, but still in the pale grey tile. (try not to let the ball roll off into the pool).

Metal Detector Beijing 2

3. Aim the arrow full blast, pointing at the forehead of the statue. If the ball doesn’t hit all three large coins, click the menu button and reset the ball to the beginning. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

Metal Detector Beijing 3

4. Once you have all three large coins, zoom out and check to make sure you have all the coins on the Great Wall of China. If not, reset the ball and carefully (medium force) get them.

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