Saturday, January 10, 2009

Metal Detector Trophy - How to at Paris (17coins)

Metal Detector Trophy - Hole 4, Paris (17 coins)

1. Aim full blast, slightly to the left of the first coin and hit the ball when the car hits the upper wall and just starts to drive down. Take good note in the figure that the white arrow tip is not on the coin and the car just started to drive down. You can also hit the ball when the car just hits the lower wall/starts to drive up. The ball should hit all starting coins and go through the arch and stop just before the bridge.

Metal Detector Paris 1

2. Go back and get the 3 coins around the Louvre (glass pyramid) museum. An easy way is set the ball so that it can hit the wall and travel around. You might not hit the one behind the pyramid, so either travel around in the pyramid in the opposite direction or take small shots.

Metal Detector Paris 2

Metal Detector Paris 3

3. Set the ball to be in front of the bridge and with a more-than medium force, hit the ball so that it hits the large coin floating over the bridge.

Metal Detector Paris 4

4. THE LAST FOUR COINS ARE TRICKY! You have to be VERY careful not to let the ball touch the dark bowl-shaped carpet or else the ball will roll into the hole. What I did: gently tap the ball so that it hits the edge of a leg from the Eiffel Tower and with medium/large force hit parallel to (or slightly away from) the neighbouring leg. Repeat this for all 4 coins.

Metal Detector Paris 5

Metal Detector Paris 6

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