Friday, November 28, 2008

Playfish :Pet Society Betting Tip and Tick or System

Conclusion of the test:
Ok, Finally, after the comments and numerous test that the rest and myself personally tried and tested. (Look at the comments given.) I’m going to conclude that the suggested betting method works well only if you have infinite amount of $ and no limit on the betting amount.

Using this method on Pet Society (PS), DOES NOT gives you 100% success rate because there is a betting limit of $500 coins in PS. What this means is that you will loose what ever you have previously made and more on one lousy bad luck day.

Although this test fails, you may still read on and see what we did and if anyone tells you that there is a surefire way of winning … Well you know better. As for those who think that lady luck is with you always, you are free to try. I had issued my warning..:> So what’s next you may asked, hmm, looks like we are going to loose money anyway on betting, go for something you can afford, 5 coins per bet till you get your trophy. No easy way out for the time being.

This test is about not loosing your bet $ and looking for a way to do so. IT IS NOT ABOUT MAKING $ FROM BETTING.
Initial post:

A lot of us are wondering how to win in pet society betting at the stadium. Jason L post a comment in one of the pet society coins and paw points post and I did a trial and tested it. It work "so far", and I enhanced it with some observation noticed during those test races.

Ok, currently (28 Nov 2008) we do have a 2 users who mentioned that this didn't work for them. I have to say this post is still waiting for "dare to try", "loaded with $ to try" and willing testers to give their opinion on the propose betting method. (Hopefully, those who have enough coins to test, I don't want newbies to lose their coins.)

As such, I think I have to put in something like a "caveat emptor clause" for this post. Caveat Emptor is Latin for "Let the buyer beware." The idea that buyers take responsibility for the condition of the items they purchase and should examine. Whist you are not actually buying :> Please be aware that I'm not sure what's the probablity of winning and losing for a max of 7 consecutive bet. None the less, this betting game in the stadium is STILL a game of chance rather skill. We are just trying to "improve" our chance of success.

For those who loss coins because of this post, I'm sorry. I'm still testing this as well, and "so far" it work for me.

How to win betting in pet society?

Note: I started with 2582 coins.

First start with 5 coin. Result of this bet -> Loss

Bet 1

Bet round 2, now you bet with 10 coins (5x2). Result of this bet -> Loss

Bet 2

Bet round 3, now you bet with 20 coins (10x2). Result of this bet -> Loss

Bet 3

Bet round 4, now you bet with 40 coins (20x2). Results of this bet -> WIN
Ending with 2587 coins, which is 5 coins more then what we start with!

Bet 4

AFTER EACH ROUND OF WINNING, please restart your coins to 5 again.

Bet 5

Started with 2587 and reset my betting to 5 coins. Loss this bet.
Bet 6

Second round of betting used 10 coins and I win in this round. Ending coins of 2592 (5 coin more!)
Bet 7

So, you see the concept works!
However, there are additional things that I had observed.

1. You NEED to bet on the same lane till you get a win. DO NOT switch lane in between bets, remain in that lane until you get a win in that round.

2. I also noticed that lane 1 (The one closes to you.) seemed to have more banana peels (obstacles) then lane 2 or 3.

3. Pet seemed a little retarded as well on lane 1, it tends to trip more. (I still need to observe more, had not gone down to counting the number of fall yet.)

4. Lane 3 have slightly lesser obstacles then lane 1. Lane 2 looks the best, usually has the least banana peel.

5. Betting multiplication table:

1st round - 5 coins
2nd round -10 coins
3rd round - 20 coins
4th round - 40 coins
5th round - 80 coins
6th round - 160 coins
7th round - 320 Coins (Max the next double down is 640 coins, but the bet limit is 500 coins.)

Please we need comments from testers of this post, to help all of us to figure out what is the chance of loosing 7 rounds. (Real Bad Luck Day!)
Back to home: Ministry of game
Sending you a Caffeine Booster!


  1. Hi there, it doesnt seem to work at all..i've tried betting on the same lane (lane2) until $160..Anything that u can help?

  2. Seems to me a Martingale

    Ignoring the maximum bet limit (that makes things worse), the better is beaten by a sequence of n losses when

    5*(2^n-1) ≤ Q

    where Q is the initial capital
    If we asses the probability of loss in a race as 2/3 we have the following table

    Q | n | p of bankruptcy

    50 | 4 | 20%

    100 | 5 | 13%

    500 | 7 | 6%

    1000| 8 | 4%

    5000| 10| 2%

  3. the ≤ in my previous comment has to be read as greater or equal to. Sorry for the mistake

  4. it works on me! i've tried your method twice, and i won double time, thanks

  5. it doesn't work...
    big 0.
    Help meeeeee

  6. hi. it worked fine except the first time i got to 40 i bet 30 and won.. i lost 20 coins but that's my fault..
    next time i reached 320..
    i got freaked out was so worried i'd love the seventh bet but luckily i won it.. thank goodness...
    i'd have been ruined.. i started with 900 coins and now i have 950 coins already :D
    starting a new streak now.. :P

  7. @ c.
    I know what you mean, I has used 320 as well. :-) Adrenaline runs high.

  8. @ M.

    This is what you want to write I believe.

    5*(2^n-1) >= ; Q
    where Q is the initial capital
    If we asses the probability of loss in a race as 2/3 we have the following table

    Q | n | p of bankruptcy

    50 | 4 | 20%

    100 | 5 | 13%

    500 | 7 | 6%

    1000| 8 | 4%

    5000| 10| 2%

    I didn't even know there's a name for that betting system.

  9. Nope doesn't work. I've lost 9 times already, so you can lose more than 7 times in a row.

  10. i don't know.. cuz till now i haven't lost my 7th bet..
    always lost till 6th then won 7th.. sometime when i'm a bit mad and can afford it i'll bet the max on the 7th.. but that's a big risk cuz i'm always short of money i'll just love like almost 1000 coins cumulative, which is a lot since i take so much time to earn this 1000 coins...

  11. This was really helpful...
    I'd heard of people using this concept in the stock market but I never thought of applying it here!...

    What I didn't get was...Why can't we change lanes during a round?

  12. To all who had dare to test this out. Thanks! So you can see that it works for some and it didn't as well.

    Please be aware of the consequences when using this betting system.

    @Shreya, it's not that you can't change lanes, just that when we would try to keep to 1 variable change when we are testing these out. It's also a general observation that some lanes does not seemed to have that many obstacles in the path of the pet.

    By all means, if you had a "gut feel" that x lane would win in the next round go for it. :>

  13. Yea...You're right...It does make sense...

    Thanks for the tip anyway :)

  14. I've tried this three times, and it has worked every time. The key is that you just keep playing until you win, because if you keep doubling the number of coins you bet you will always end up with 5 more coins than with you started. This may not be a guaranteed way of winning 1000 coins at the stadium, but it is a surefire way of earning coins over a period of time.

  15. It didn't work for me.

    I've found that, if you just want to win bets to get the trophy, without losing your shirt, just bet 5 coins per bet. That way, you have more chances to play, even if you lose money in the end. And after you eventually win 300 bets, you NEVER have to bet again because it SUCKS.


  16. @Chris
    @Anon of 1 Dec

    Well this is one post that gets a lot of mixed reaction. Seriously, we are all here reading the tips and learn about the views of co-players, just to get that stupid betting trophy out of the way!

    I’m erm, “glad” to announce that I had my 1st “shirt loosing day”! (As what anon of 1 Dec describes. :>) Lost about 3000 coins, lost 11 times straight. LOL…@Chris, still a sure fire way to earn 1000 coins? ;-) But I’m ok, it’s a game after all. The one thing about social games is... you NEED lots of friends to play with and to bail you out in situation like this…I’ll be spending more time visiting.. hee hee. So if I’m popping by, you know why.

    Actually, come to think of it. I still do not understand why betting is in the stadium? Isn’t Casino a better fit? Further to it, I think there’s a lot of young audience for this game, betting at that age…Hmm.

  17. anon of nov 30
    hi. me again.. did the mad today and got hit in the 455 (a s s)
    heck lost all my money now i'm poor again!! :(

  18. @anon of nov 30

    Yeah, I had my bad day as well, saw my post before you? I'm staying away from betting, once I get my trophy. don't lose any more it's just not your day ... today. Please do yourself a favor go add more friends, and one more tip for you, use the brush and brush your pet coins will come out and you will never max out your pet's happiness bar. (plus you get 6 points as well. much better then stroking you pet with just the mouse.)

  19. I'd recommend that you read the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article on Martingales again. The Martingale is only a "sure thing" IF you have an infinite amount of money to bet. Since you cannot bet an infinite amount of money (there's a cap on the hurdles bet), you will eventually lose.

    The probability of losing 7 times in a row for this game is just around 6%. That means that out of 20 runs of this system, you'll win 5 coins 19 times for a profit of 95 coins, and lose 635 coins (the total of all your bets) 1 time.

  20. hi there! Thanks for your tips! I dunno but it really works on me, eventhough sometimes I do freak out when I've reach 160! hahahahah.. Thanks!!!

  21. i've lost on 6th bet with 80 coins..hiks...i'm only win on 5th...

  22. @Fienaa - hmm, I'll withhold comments for now.. heehee you'll know what in time to come.. Do your conclusion then ok..;-)

    @Lutfii - Ok,So your playing style is that you are willing to keep losses to x amount per game instead of going for the max at 320. Controlled losses, not too bad, rational minded way of playing.

  23. this betting stragity is how to win while playing roulette. it is based on the time the black or red lands on the same color. 2,25,75,150. but once you win you start over with your bets.

  24. My advice is try it depends on how much coins you have, is alright to lost 5 or 10 coins for first few rounds dont take the risk by mutiple up, even it is 5 coins per round, trust me, i have try this and when the bet amount goes high to 400-500 you will have big luck if you can win, itried losing for 13 rounds till over 3000 coins finish

  25. w00t it works!!!!

    uhh i dunno if u already mentioned, or someone commented, but isit possible to x3 or x4 the bet?

  26. @cool

    Not advisable:
    1. Because with x2 you only have 7 times to get a win.
    2. There’s a max of 500 coins per bet. So there’s actually no way to double down on 320.. It’s not an endless double down in PS. So 1 big loss will wipe out all previous earnings.

  27. Hey guys. Ya know what was working until PS caught on? I noticed the outer lanes won the majority of the time. AND, the pet with a higher standing. Also, don't choose a pet who's sluggish. This was working for me-so much so-that I got the silver. Now every since they worked on the site, it's totally random again! :(

  28. hi, i think i agree to a certain extent that middle lane does seem to be better. But whenever or sometimes when i bet on middle lane, it seems to lose. but i've once lose like 200 coins and i gave 1 last big shot, 500 coins and i won. But it was like random cos some of my friends does train their pets, so i'm not sure if it does affect the race, also includes what the pet eats, no junk food of course. i've never feed any junk food like chocolate to my pet and so far, trainings and all helps in the hurdle race. i can get 10 out of 10 races a day.

  29. @ Anon, 7 Dec 08 9:18 PM

    "I noticed the outer lanes won the majority of the time. AND, the pet with a higher standing. Also, don't choose a pet who's sluggish."

    Which is your "outer lane? it can be both 1 & 3" I would read lane 1 as the one closest to us. Pet with higher standing -> i gather that you mean your pet's rank amongst your friends.

    About the sluggish pet, erm how to gauge?
    @ anon 7 Dec 08 9:41 PM

    Yes 500 per race is huge! Big rick that u r taking there. About the middle lane sometimes it suddenly have lots of obstacles, yes i notice that as well. But I think it's just part of their programming that's done in such a way. I have a feeling that each lanes is given a different factor for bananas, hurdles etc. On food, I didn't find that it helps me, hmm train , you mean the practice course. I didn't try that much actually.

  30. Although I post late, but I have tried it. This is the result:

    1st - loss
    2nd - win
    3rd - loss
    4th - loss
    5th - win
    6th - loss
    7th - win
    Spend - 635
    Gain - 820
    Profit - 185
    Yeah!!!haha~lucky day!

  31. With all due respect Minister of Game, your tip SUCKS!. I really tried and tried, and you know what? It REALLY DOES work! but it´s a hell of a process just to get a couple of coins

  32. no way this strategy can work out forever. there is no way.
    btw, i think this is called martingle strategy or something like that. people tried using that to bet in real life. even if the stakes can go as high as 2K, you'll still lost sooner or later. you stand a better chance if u bet the same amount anytime. good luck guys. :)

  33. hi, it's me again, anon of 7th Dec 9:41, i'm stella, i'll just sign next time. erm, ya cos i had a hard time with that 200 coins loss so i was willing to risk it all with that 500 and i did. yes, during practice, u can see how fast different friends run, so u can roughly gauge which can run better. do not see level, cos i've tried better on highest level, i'd still lose. well, i've tried your plan double each round starting from 5, reset back to 5 after winning. ALL BET ON MIDDLE LANE. i've decided to do trial 10rounds.
    1st: loss
    2nd: loss
    3rd: win (reset)
    1st: loss
    2nd: win (reset)
    1st: loss
    2nd: loss
    3rd: win but didnt double, only added 5 coins by mistake. (reset)
    1st: loss
    2nd: loss
    3rd: win middle lane's banana peels increased significantly like more than 10! hurdles doesnt make any diff since all lanes have to jump the hurdles. but still win anyway (reset)
    1st: loss
    2nd: loss
    3rd: loss
    4th: loss
    5th: loss mid lane increases banana peels again, pet have smallers eyes, does it affect its eye sight? it trips alot.
    6th: loss
    7th: loss
    8th: (bet using 500) WIN!!
    no ten rounds, sorry not taking any chances to lose more coins.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. @Cruz
    I agreed with you that this is really no a very good post. It actually took me a while to decide if I should write something about betting. If you Google "pet society betting" or anything close. I'm not surprise that you will end up seeing my post. Why? Because either there are none or no one dares to write a post that may jeopardize their blog.

    What’s your purpose about this post to earn quick coins or to bet and hopefully don’t loose much coins? If its quick coins that you are looking for goto: Ways to get coins and paw points

    @ Anon 8 Dec 2008 10:25 AM
    LOL, maybe this post is way too long, and that point is missed out.. You are sort of repeating what I said about this betting system.

    @ Stella,
    I think, you read this post prior to my conclusion (top section of the post). I had mentioned that a safer choice would be to use 5 coins per betting till you get your trophy. I find that it’s too much risk over 5 coins.

  36. Some may have chance upon a comment made by a coward who hides behind anonymous, made a post and thinks that he’s a “hero” stewing expletives in the comment. If you didn’t see that, it’s ok bcos it’s deleted. I had made it easy for those who wanted to comment by may be shy to leave their name behind.

    I’ll have to tighten the comments portion to rid this blog of irresponsible commenter. This should not have too much of an impact to those who truly wants to post a proper comment so don’t have to shy away from it.

  37. This is very useful tip, it worked with me =D
    At first the betting thing was kinda random when i started it, but then i reloaded pet society, and tried this!
    It takes some time, yes indeed, but it's one of the ways to get money that is not dishonest as using Cheat Engine >.<
    Good Job Ministry of Game, this tip Rocks! :D

  38. Middle lane

    1st - 5 - Loss
    2nd - 10 - Loss
    3rd - 20 - Loss
    4th - 40 - Loss
    5th - 80 - Loss
    6th - 160 - Loss

    69 coins left - Moral of story? DOESN'T WORK!!!!

  39. Maybe i'm wrong but the betting system suggested is the one used to win at the roulette betting on "odd or even" and "red or black". That system works for the roulettes, stating that u have a high amount of money and absolutely no gap (the casinos stopped that giving a gap on the bets on the same. I haven't tried the method yet but I feel there is a mistake: In the roulettes sistem u have to double the bet coz of 2 alternatives; in PS u have to triple the bets coz of the 3 alternatives. But! there is a gap of 500 coins to be bet... so as long as u don't have luck u cannot win from this system (or at least u cannot win always). I hope that does help a little.

  40. Actually the science behind the huddle betting is you see your friends' trophies at their home...100 times winner has more chances to win while the 10 times winner wins randomly =P

  41. @Anon December 12, 2008 7:27 AM
    Please don't use betting as a way to get coins, believe me you will loose it back one day, Use this instead Ways to get coins and paw points

    @TorquemadaXL, I think someone before you mentioned that as well. As for the double or triple down, frankly speaking I'm no wiser then you.. The double down was originally a suggestion put up by one of the reader here.

    @Edogawa Conan, Have you got proofs to it? Did you tried that before, is this going to be the light at the end of the tunnel for all? Care to elaborate more?

  42. LOL. For me it wasn't entirely effective.

    I won the 2nd round with 20 coins only, the rest of them were losses. Oh well. Perhaps it just wasn't my day!

  43. i've tried n belif there's a different theory to the betting system. on any particular day there are strong and weak runners. and they don't remain the same day to day. i normally run my own 10 races and note the runners that give me a run for my money. i've noticed they generally do well at the bet races too. if u're studious enuf u could note the positions after the races ane put the runners in order. not found a surefire foolproof method otherwise.. nay, dun think the trophies/health/happiness/hygiene/pawpoints contribute any way..

  44. @tzuchieh, basically you cannot double down anymore, so you need to decide what you want to do next. To restart with 5,To just play with 5 coins all the way, To call it a day, to play some more til you hit 500 limit or ...etc It's really up to you, I'm not using betting to earn $ but just there to get my trophy. Once done I'm out of betting.

    @xploded-tb, Lol, yes i had days that are like that, try to alternate with 5 coins per round way of playing. I guess we just have to learn to set a limit each day. This is the lousiest trophy to get in my opinion.

    @qakz, Eeeks that can't work for me, I had hundred over connections, I don't even know a from b at times. haha. it's just so crazy that the betting code in PC is so hard to crack isn't it?

  45. yea its surely impossible to keep track once the neighborhood gets too big :) its simply too random..

  46. Dumb idea to be honest.

    People do this in roulette. Of course, in the long run, the house still wins, because of the betting max.

    The chance of losing 7 in a row is 2^7/3^7, which is around a 1/20 chance. This means that sure, if you use this strategy 20 times, you will make 95 coins, but lose the 320 that you maxed out on.

  47. haha i tried his idea and ended up losing 400+ i think this trick doesnt work at all manz

  48. Yo, it is easy to see that this method WORKS.

    2 rules :
    - bet on the same guy every time
    - play until u win then reset bet

    Probabilities :
    Win 1st round -> 1/3 -> money = moneystart-5+10
    Lose then win -> 1/3 * 2/3 -> money = moneystart-5-10+20
    Lose,Lose,win -> 1/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 -> money = moneystart-5-10-20+40
    Lose,Lose,Lose,win -> 1/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 -> money = moneystart-5-10-20-40+80

    You see, if you continue betting on the same character, at the moment u win, u will get back all your money + 5 coins. Then reset bet to 5.

    You just have to keep betting 2x until you win.

    BUT (1) ! Probability to win must be 1/3 each time, to make this possible. That means the game programmer didn't give "more luck" to characters you're racing against.

    BUT (2) ! You need a minimum amount of money to follow this 'strategy'.

    BUT (3) ! If you are very very unlucky, and LOSES 7 times, u can't bet 640... u'd better get out of the stadium, and come back and reset your bet to 5.
    So you lost 5+10+20+40+80+160+320 = 635 coins.
    But the probability of losing 7 times in a row is : (2/3)^7 = 128 / 2187 = 0.058 = [[ 5.8 % ]]

    Hope that can helps some people ..

    PS : i'am french, sorry for my bad english ;)

  49. I forgot, consediring 1/3 chance to win :
    Average is winning after 3 races

    With 5.8% chances to lose 645coins per "to-win-row", if you focus 100 winning bets trophy :

    you will race 300 times (average) in 100 rows (average) ; on these 100 rows you will win as benefit 5 coins 94.2 times ( = benefit : 471 coins) and lose 5.2 * 635 coins ( = 3302 coins).
    But all paw points got by betting makes you LEVEL UP and so earn money.

    Anyway, this method is better than betting 5 each times, that would give 1/3 of bets total anyway as money, and it makes you cheaper to get the trophy.

  50. 1st untill 6th round --> lost
    7th round--> win

  51. @ cfmreggae- Are you a French - French or a Canadian French? Your English is fine, don't worry.

    Gee you made me realize how much I hated probability! LOL. BTW: J'ai appris un peu de français depuis quelques années mais j'ai oublié de 99% des it. Haha.

  52. @ Svie , You are one lucky soul!

  53. hi.. i ve tried using ur method..
    it does work.. thank you..^^
    and sometimes i even tried using this method on other lanes as well.. it works juz fne..
    but there this one day i kept on losing until the 500 bets.. sob sob.. T-T
    so i guess its juz not my lucky day..

  54. i have personally bet big on the race but it didn turn out well for me...

    at first i tried the 2x method but i feel that it has a too low a probability...

    then i tried working backwards from 500 gold as it is the limit

    so i got 5 15 30 60 125 250 500
    instead of 5 10 20 40 80 160 320

    meaning i am taking huge risk if i lose but a more efficient way of earning $ if the system works
    1st round- profit of 5
    2nd - 10
    3rd- 10
    4th- 10
    5th- 15
    and the rest are all 15..
    i did fantastic at first... thought i have found the wining combi...

    thou this is much more efficient, i still managed to lose like 9 times in a row...
    meaning after the 7th time i went mad and bet 2 more 500 gold

    but all lost....

    so i thought if using another system increasing the profit by 5 every time

    5 15 35 75 155

    up to like 75 or 155, if u lose restart, then you will minimise the lost if you are on an unlucky streak, then there's the possibility of you recovering the bet slowly if you are not that unlucky...

    after all this talk, i still strongly take the stand that you should not involve urself in the betting too much as the longer you play the more chance you will lose big. So stay away from the betting if you have had the trophy

  55. French from France ;)

  56. sry this method didnt work for me.. juz like jianyu said..
    the more u stay the more u lose big.. it works for me at first so i kept on continue doing it.. but after i won 4 times, i kept losing until the 500 coins bet..T.T

  57. have u tried to bet on the pet that has the highest level ??
    i tried, and it DID work!
    but only sometimes T_T

  58. @ Anis, :) as usual my beware clause still stands..

    @ jianyu, agreed there's no one real 'winning' formula. That’s why I toggle between 5,10, 20 .. and 5 coins at a go gradually to get my trophy.

    @ Nisa, erm isn’t that how casino works. The house is always the winner…..LOL

    @ anon, hey congrats you are the last commenter of the year for 2008. Hmm, no awards though. Erm, this is one method that I can’t try bcos my friends list is huge.

  59. @anon Dec 31, its the opposite of mine..
    usually, and i dun mean always.. the pet that won is the one that is the lowest rank in my friend list.. but its a totally random.. cant say actually..

    @ministry of game, since i've had experience of losing bet at the 500 coins, i still used ur method again but this time, i din stay long in the stadium.. after i have 2 wins, i'll go out from the stadium and go back in and bet again.. i do this every time i have won 2 bets.. and this works for me.. but i bet using jianyu's system.. haha.. coz i think its better using her system.. can earn more money.. i know there's a better way of earning money than betting, but im betting for that stupid trophy only.. sigh.. i'll stop when i get the gold one.. =D

    @jianyu, hey thanks for telling us ur method.. err.. u are a girl right..or a guy?? sry coz i dun really know juz based on ur name.. i have 2 friends and their names are the same but both are different sex.. so sorry >.<

  60. well... it worked on me =))
    i've chosen the 2nd lane.

    Cash: don't remember...XD circa 4 800

    1st bet

    1st round-> 5 lost
    2nd round-> 10 lost
    3rd round-> 20 win
    4th round-> 40 win
    5th round-> 80 win
    6th round-> 160 win
    7th round-> 320 win

    Cash: 5 529 $

    2nd bet

    1st round-> 5 lost
    2nd round-> 10 lost
    3rd round-> 20 win
    20 lost
    4th round-> 40 lost
    5th round-> 80 win
    6th round-> 160 lost
    7th round-> 320 lost

    Cash: 5 144

    well...i still have the advantage and i've got a Trophey... :D
    Hope i was helpfull
    ... =)


  61. This method is sure to make you lose the last and biggest sum you bet. It'a matter of time. Plain mathematics. Besides, the risk implied to win $5 is simply not worth it.

  62. My stats so far:

    All of those bets were made on the second/middle lane. It does seem like the best.
    I think it's common knowledge that higher level pets move faster than low level pets, however, a level 10 pet beat a 24 pet during one of my bets, so I'm convinced that the middle lane is the optimum place to put your coins on.

  63. try on betting for the pet who usually wins... in my case they are usually the newbies, where all stats are full... well, this observation worked for me. ^^

  64. Here's my observation:

    1 - win
    2 - win
    3 - win
    4 - win
    5 - win
    6 - lose
    7 - lose

    1 - lose
    2 - win
    3 - lose
    4 - lose
    5 - lose
    6 - win
    7 - lose

    1 - win
    2 - lose
    3 - lose
    4 - win
    5 - lose
    6 - lose
    7 - win

    as you can see, i never lose more than 3 times, and most of the time, after two lose, i get one win. so the next, i will try to bet big after two lose, even if i lose then, i'd bet even bigger on the next race, because there hasn't been more than 3 loses.

    1 - lose
    2 - lose
    3 - win (bet big on this: 160)
    4 - lose
    5 - lose
    6 - lose (bet big on this: 300)
    7 - lose (bet even bigger on this: 500)

    okay, now i'm worried. hehe. let's try again.

    1 - lose (bet half of what i got left: 400)
    2 - lose (okay, i'm running out of coins i'll bet from the start: 5)
    3 - win
    4 - lose
    5 - lose
    6 - win
    7 - lose

    1 - lose
    2 - lose
    3 - lose
    4 - lose

    okay. I give up. I'm broke. hahahaha.

  65. @ Matthew, LOL yes I had one of those days as well.

    @ Deniva, wow you have gotten the trophy ....Gee Congrats!!!. Now you can truly save your coins for better use.

    @ Martin, that's why i opt to use a mix instead.

    @ anon 23 Jan, If you friends pool is small, then you can still observe but as it gets bigger it's diffcult.

    @ anon 23, 12:09 Wow! Just by looking at you account of events maked me stressed! :) But hey you are cool about winning and loosing. Great Sport!

  66. the 5 then 10 then 20 then 40 thing didnt work
    i seem to win by doin 5 = win
    then 10 = lose
    then 20= win
    its weird but it worked twice

  67. you know if you start with 7 coins and multiply by 2 each time you will gain in extra 2 coins every win, and it still stays under the 500 max coins for that 7th and final round

  68. 1. win (5 coins)
    2. win (10 coins)
    3. win (20 coins)
    4. lose (40 coins)
    5. lose (80 coins)
    6. lose (160 coins)
    7. lose (320 coins)

    Must say. I started to feel good after winning three but then I sorta lost all my money. I'm poor!

  69. I think it-s all just random luck :)

  70. Actually lane one always wins for me. The one that's the most clumsy is the one I always bet on (I've bet one each lane at least once before and I won twice- I've tried betting 27 times and lost 3000 points)

  71. it does work actually. but, just a small tip, if you still lose at ard 5th time, try reducing it to 5 coins and try all over again. that will minimize ure loss if u are having a real bad day. (:

  72. thats crap i have lost 12 times now and havnt won once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  73. i think i'm too cheap to try this this for now =)

  74. your theory doesn't work the pet in the 1st lane wins relatively often compared to the other lanes. the pets in the 2nd lane also seems more crazy than usual always tripping

  75. i m just wasting my money slowly 500 coins and now i have no more money. only 11 coins left.

  76. it works for me :)
    thank you very much

    today morning I lost 160, but now I am winning like 9 for 10 tryies :) Thank you guys!

  77. It's so much quicker just to wash other ppls pets than to waste time betting and waiting for an entire race.

  78. whaaaa it dose not work i lost 300 coins anything to hlp?

  79. Ive an idea..
    How about u try jump bet+ what the author wrote.
    Instead of doublin ur bets every round and winning 5gold in the end, u start off with 5gold, den mayb jump to 20gold at the second bet, den 40 gold at the next bet. U'll win in the end and u will win the number of coins u jumped bet. For example, i jumped 50coins and I will win 55 coins,in the end. That is u havent reach the limit.


  81. The method described in this blog, worked very well for me :) I made a test, and here is the results.

    1. bet 5 - Lost
    2. bet 10 - Lost
    3. bet 20 - Won
    1. bet 5 - Lost
    2. bet 10 - Lost
    3. bet 20 Won
    1. bet 5 - Lost
    2. bet 10 - Won
    1. bet 5 - Lost
    2. bet 10 - Lost
    3. bet 20 - Lost
    4. bet 40 - Won

    And so on and so on...
    I started with 1369 coins, and ended with 1404 coins - a gain of 40 coins in total. No loss if you follow the method, and don't loose more than 7 times in a row.

  82. Oh and i used the middle lane everytime

  83. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    actually it works but not like wat u said its best then just wining 5 or 10 coins its just moreeee my results was:

    1st round - 5 coins -->loss
    2nd round -10 coins --> win
    3rd round - 20 coins -->win
    4th round - 40 coins -->win
    5th round - 80 coins -->win
    6th round - 160 coins -->loss
    7th round - 320 Coins -->win

    gr8888888888 lucky lucky dayyyyyyyyyyyy :| thankssssssssssss

  84. I used the 2nd lane, first round, and I won on the fourth bet. and then the second round, I won on the first bet. the third round, I won on the second bet. In the fourth round, I won on the first bet. fifth round, I won on the fourth bet. sixth round, I won on the first bet, resulting with 30 dollars more and a new trophy. thanks for the thread.

  85. if some one wants more money on the first round Bet BIGGER amount like 20 or 30 on second round double it it drains money fast but you get huge profits

  86. Lol, tried this:
    1st round = 5 coins and I lost
    2nd round = 10 coins and I lost
    3rd round = 20 coins and I won! Dx Dunno if this is a lucky or what, but it works for me :D

  87. wow.... this is horrible. i bet up to the 7th round for 3 sessions in a row and lost 635 coins 3 sessions in a row...

  88. Anon 5 Feb: Can try, but this is method that we try is like a 50:50, as you can see so far there’s no real conclusion. So surviving for the long-run is perhaps the goal for all.
    Anon 7 Feb: Attempt this when you have loads of friends, then you can replenish your coins.
    Anon 13 Feb: Wow you are another tester just like me. :)
    Anon 15 Feb: This could be a good idea for those short on coins. It allows you to control losses to a level that you are comfortable with.
    Anon 16 Feb: I had already issued my warning. Done my best.
    Anon 20 Feb: Just go for the 5 coins per race till you have more friends in PS, if not don’t try this, you have better use for your coins. Unless you are in this game for the trophies.
    Qwerty: LOLX Can you replenish your coins easily, do you have a large friends list for PS?
    Lomi: I still have to warn, not always a winning formula. I had my big losses as well.
    Anon 26 Feb: Doing this only for the trophy, not for coins. You are right to say that coins can be “earn” via other means. You can’t make a living out of betting. Haha…
    Christina: Erm, you are here for the trophy or the coins? If is coins, refer to the other post on getting coins in PS. If it’s for trophy and you do not have a large list of PS friends, do a mix between this method and 5 coins per bet.
    Anon 3 Mar: Hmm, might end up losing more … not too sure if it’ll work.
    Anon 7 Mar: Glad it helped you, but as usual warning issued, it worked and it failed me as well.
    Daronda: Wow you didn’t reset to 5 after each round?
    BearyDancer: I almost misread you name as BellyDancer! Happy that it helps you.
    Anon 13 Mar: Hmm, I don’t know what to say. Maybe you shouldn’t play on Friday the 13th? There was someone who commented about leaving the stadium and re-enter if you have a loosing trend game. They are all anon commenter, couldn’t trace down to who… Didn’t really try if that would work out.

  89. I lost 1,000 coins from betting :( ..

  90. This method is good for winning bets to earn a throphy. It's not a good method for winning alot of money - on he other hand, you dont really loose them either :) I use it for trying to earn my throphies...still got 120 bets to go :-s

  91. can it elp me get more paw points to reach a higher lvl faster?

  92. This worked for me ..
    2nd lane

  93. I haven't use this trick yet. what i did is, when I already finished hurdle races in a day (which is 10 times) I go home or go out then I go back to the stadium again. I play the practice round for 3 to 4 times straight (you must won always) then i bet for big amount of coins and chose lane 1 on my first bet. then lane 2 on the second bet. So far so good, i always win twice or thrice. :) But when Im loss, i try to bet again with the same amount of coins and same lane. works pretty well. but im not 100% sure that it will work on others the same as mine. :)

  94. I have just lost 17 times in a row, on lane 3, and have lost all of my money, more than 6000

  95. I follow this trick too and it turns out that at first 3 times you bet you'll lose, the 4th time you'll win, so the first 3 times I bet 5 coins and the 4th time i bet 20 coins. It works. According to this trick, 5th and 6th time I'll lose, so I bet 5 coins in 5th and 6th time. The 7th time, I'm not sure then I bet only 20 coins. I win too.

    So the concept did well to me, but I don't follow the rule of doubling the money after each round. You try your own rule by betting 5 coins for every round and see for yourself how it works.

    In my another account which I played on another computer, my concept is win-lose-win-lose-lose-win, so I think each computer has an own rule.

  96. This tip does NOT work at all, it's a SCAM! NOT ONCE did I EVER win when I applied this trick. And I tried it on two separate occasions as well but still, NOT ONE WIN!

    In an event that's designed for you to lose coins, following this "tip" just helps you lose them FASTER!

  97. I don't get it. I started with 820 coins,bet 5 on the next round,lost,had 815. Bet 10 on the next and won. I didn't lose. o.o I don't really get it D:

  98. Try betting on the pet who is at least 10 levels higher than the other two players. If you don't get this combination, just press the X button and try again. This is a great way to make money! =)

  99. This is a more better chance and it does work .
    Play race and let 1 friend win then againt till 5 times, then bet that friend at whatever price (recommend 300-500) then you will most likely win and then do it about 3-5 times and then go back to racing a different friend and leeting them win and then repeat using that "different friend." :) It works for me! good luck!

  100. This is the same concept as the one to "always win" in the casinos. And yeah, if you had unlimited coins you could always get more... but, if you already have unlimited coins, why would you want more?

  101. 1- 5- Lost
    2- 50- Lost
    3- 100- Lost
    4- 150- Lost
    4- 200- WON

    Profit: 95

  102. With maximum bet limit, this is a losing scheme, even if you have infinite amount of coins (this scheme would've worked fine if there was no upper bound on the bet).
    Probability to lose in the 320 bet (7 losses) - 5.85%
    Money lost in 7 losses - 635 coins
    When you don't lose all 7 bets, you gain 5 coins, as mentioned earlier.

    Overall, you lose 635 coins with chance 5.85% for betting sequence, and gain 5 coins with chance 94.15% for betting sequence, meaning your estimated gain for a betting sequence is 94.15%*5 - 5.85%* 635 + =4.7075 -37.100425= -32.392925, which is negative, meaning you lose.
    You'll need 300/94.15%=318.64 betting series to win the trophy.
    Meaning you'll lose 318.64*32.392925 = 10321.681622 coins on getting the trophy.

    Bottom line: if you're going for the trophy, just bet 5 coins every time:
    You win 5 coins with probability 1/3, lose 5 coins with probability 2/3, leaving you with estimated loss of 5/3 coins per bet. You'll have to bet about 900 times to win 300 times, leaving you with 900*5/3=1500 coins lost for the trophy.

  103. hello. :)

    i`ve tried your technique. this is the outcome

    1st - 5 coins lost
    2nd - 10 coins lost
    3rd - 20 coins won
    *forgot to reset. :))
    4th - 40 coins lost
    5th - 80 coins won
    *reset to 5 - won
    6th - 160 coins lost
    7th - 320 coins lost

  104. I finally won on the 320. Very scary for a non-gambler though! Probably won't do it again.

  105. I've tried this method 5 times, so far so good, I havent lost money yet

  106. Won the first two times.
    Lost all my money after the third try of betting.

  107. try to find with of the pet always win on the race
    and bet on them...its work for me!

  108. I also try to bet on pets who win the practice or the races.
    The latest thing I think I have found is that the pets with lower happiness win more often (but I have no proofs). I have just realized that the pets I usually bet on - and which usually win - are not fully happy and that one pet which used to be sure to win all bets had no happiness at all for like two weeks. Now I see its owner got back to pet society, the pet is happy again and not winning any more. It can be more complicated, like the pet has to have full health (this one did), but I have done no research yet.

    The trick with the probability could be fine if it is really random. But you never know if the system has some kind of regulation, eg. puts more losses than it is probable - so your calculation might be wrong. Hope you get it.

  109. It works every time i tried it over 50 times and it always worked ;)

  110. it didn't actually work for me beacause i have my own tactic for the betting game,first you shoose the highest lvl,then the next round you choose the lowest lvl then it goes on and on you can just think of how much you'll bet....but for me it really works if you try this maybe it might give you chances of winning just alternate each lvl....

  111. it really didn't work for me.....but i have my own tip for those who always lose at this betting game for my opinion i just bet at first round the highest lvl in the choices, then on the second round i bet for the lowest lvl in the choices then there it is that's my tip just bet for it alternatly highest then lowest it's your choice abou the amount of your bet....but if this did't work for you,you just having a bad luck today.....

  112. i have a tip :)!! everyone just buy one egg a day from fairy tale egg mercchines all stuff is worth 200 there and u will one day not long maybe on 2nd try get a 800 dollar fairy dress worth 800 when sold

  113. I tried this once, and it worked for me. I didn't keep track of my outcomes, but I do remember I mostly lost a lot until the end which I won of course. I also remember that I was betting continously in the middle lane.

    I'm doing it again now, this time in the third lane, so I'm keeping track record of my results in the second spin as I do this. Here's what I got:

    Round 1: 5 coins - won
    Round 2: 10 coins - won
    Round 3: 20 coins - won
    Round 4: 40 coins - lost
    Round 5: 80 coins - lost
    Round 6: 160 coins - won
    Round 7: 320 coins - won

    So far so good. For the third time I'm going to stick to the third lane yet again. Here are the results:

    Round 1: 5 coins - lost
    Round 2: 10 coins - won
    Round 3: 20 coins - lost
    Round 4: 40 coins - lost
    Round 5: 80 coins - lost
    Round 6: 160 coins - won
    Round 7: 320 coins - lost

    I was really sad and upset that I lost the last round, so I decided to be daring and bet 500 (because that's the maximum apparently) on the third lane again. Lost that as well.

    Annoyed, I left the stadium and re-entered, going straight for a fourth round, desperate to win back some cash. Here's the list of outcomes (third lane again):
    Round 1: 5 coins - won
    Round 2: 10 coins - won
    Round 3: 20 coins - won
    Round 4: 40 coins - lost
    Round 5: 80 coins - lost
    Round 6: 160 coins - won
    Round 7: 320 coins - won

    Which turned out to be the same results as my previous round.

    I think this suggests that the method works, but for it to work effectively, I suggest everytime a person wins, they should exit the stadium, and then re-enter. That's what helped me win those other rounds. I'm gonna get a friend to do this now, and I'll post her results later.

  114. This worked for me! On first try started off with 130 and went up to over 700 :D thanks!

  115. Bet(x2) Total Win Payout
    10 10 10 20
    20 30 10 40
    40 70 10 80
    80 150 10 160
    160 310 10 320
    320 630 10 640
    6 bets

    Bet(x3) Total Win Payout
    10 10 10 20
    30 40 20 60
    90 130 50 180
    210 340 80 420
    4 bets

    Bet = quantity of coins used in one bet.
    Total = quantity of coins spend, over all bets where you have lost.
    Win = total coins obtained over all lost bets and one won bet, after which we reset.
    Payout = quantity of coins received per turn.

    greets Blue

  116. Nuh uh. This thing don't work.

  117. i have done what is suggested first on this forum and it works after i bet 20 coins.. maybe, it's a good luck that's why some other player does not win on using this strategy.. for me i am not going to pursue on betting because it's not my kind of game.. you see I am not a natural gambler... I considered it gambling, although it's not that you are really betting real money, but still any form of betting is a gamble for me.. (that's only my opinion so please bear with me), I just tried it so that I can find out whether it is really true that the suggested tip works... just for fun..hehe, so i'll just collect and earn coins the usual way, which is by banging on trees, racing, visiting my friend's pet, planting vegetables and fruits trees so that i can harvest them and sell them with atleast 250 coins for large vegetables and 65 coins for fruit trees.. in the case of the trophy for winning the bet, i guess that i will be gaining in not participating in the bet game..

    so to all who are still betting, Good luck!

  118. On my first try I bet 5 on the mid lane expecting to lose. I won. So, that means this formula won't work now, right? For me this go 'round, at least.

  119. lol HOAX!!!! doesnt work. worked once, 2nd time I lost 1000, worked 3rd time. 4th 5th and 6th all failed. took an hour of testing and I lost about 10,000 coins in total. u r only making a chance theory. doesnt make sence at all.

    for all those who say it worked including the topic owner, trust me.. u only won by luck.

    Plus, ppl reading this post are more interested in "winning coins" not "not losing bets".

    and for all those who posted replies saying: "Oh my God, it worked! I made a 10 coin profit.. I made a 2 coin profit" this is bullshit lol. there are ways to gain thousands of coins not 10 or 20 or even 500 coins buy a way thats 99.9% luck supported by a lame theory depending on luck.

    In short, u wasted ur time lol good luck and get a job

  120. a friend of mine has a pet that doesn't where anything at all and everytime i bet on him he wins so is it a coincidence?

  121. it worked for me :) i only lost a couple, on the ten coin bet and the forty coin bet, but won all the others :)

  122. it works 4 me!!! but when u get 2 320 ucant play again we need 2 restart from 5 ! how boring......

  123. I know how this works. It's not a glitch or luck or anything really. First ignore the pets, pretend there all the same. If you pick the same number every time, eventually your going to win. That's a given. What this person has done is figured out how to not only get your money back, but to make the prophet when you finally get the win. Trick is you have to have the money to bet to really prophet because you might not get the win in time before you lose all your cash. Also it doesn't matter which pet you pick as long as you keep picking that number until you get your win. Banana peals are really the same in all courts. Sometimes there might be more in one area then another, but that's truly random. If your already rich and want to be filthy rich this is a great method for you, but if your poor don't bother because you don't have the cash to get to the wins, because the win might take a butt load of tries.

  124. i'm lucky! hahaha

    i tried it lyk this
    1st = 5 loss
    2nd = 20 loss
    3rd = 40 loss
    4th = 80 loss
    5th = 160 loss
    6th = 320 WIN! the andrenaline was so strong hahaha!

  125. i bet 1000 on the third one(the one that is furthest from you) and i won!! todays my lucky dayy!!

  126. This guide is great. No matter what, you're always gonna win 5 coins... unless you hit that 500 betting limit.

    For example:

    Whenever you win, the total previous losses that you've incurred will always be 5 less than what you've won. It helps that it's completely random and not based on the skills of the racers.

  127. Has anyone simply tried betting on the person with the highest pet points?


  129. well i tried and i won the 1st round so much for 5 coins i should have bet more

  130. I was thinking, if you guys use Cheat Engine, u guyz get more money. but ive tried it SO MANY TIMES! guess what? it doesnt work ==' Help? Please?

  131. gosh! This is my lucky day!

    1st round: loss (-5)
    2nd round: loss (-10)
    3rd round: loss (-20)
    4th round: loss (-40)
    5th round: loss (-80)
    6th round: loss (-160)
    (went to earn some money by visiting friends)
    7th round (bet 360 by mistake): WIN!!! (+360)

    Losses: 315

    Earnt: 360

    Profit: 45


  132. i dont get it and i think its a very slow, boreing and amost pointless process for the amount of coins you get out of it.
