Friday, September 12, 2008

Bowling Buddies: Perfect 300 method 3

This tips are available from Andy's group dedicated to bowling buddy game. I just made it googleable! Post are as it is without edits. Kudos, to those who made it.

This is by Dave Dixon

Firstly pageup / down still works because i have just done it!!, and its not cheating its just ensuring your mouse isn't moved and that the bowl goes in a straight line.
what you are doing is very similar because i just carefully position the bowl a and i then took a screen grab that was after 2 days of trial and error to find the most suitable spot for the bowl and to get the greatest of accuracy, i also tried other methods similar to yours of plotting lines to follow or running the mouse along against a ruler, but found pageup/down was the best method, so its no different from what you are doing.

It took me two days of work to achieve so i deserve the credit of achieving my aim to reach 300 and i can now achieve it by several methods including yours, but if you seem to think what i have done is cheating then i am afraid yours is also because in real bowling you cannot exactly prepositon the bowl and use the same guidelines ...unless you intend to paint lines on a real bowling alley and put a x or marker on the lanes where you last achieved a strike and then achieve the same speed everytime which is not possible due to human error, so therefore what you are doing is not replicating a true representation of the game of bowling. If you wish to play the game as if you were playing real bowls then i am afraid you should not be drawing lines etc to use as a mouse guide as it too can be conceived as cheating!

Most games are designed in a mathematical way so there are always going to be ways to increase the possibility of getting a higher score etc, and as they say practice makes perfect!, luck can play a part of course, but the games are designed for fun, for me its challenge to increase my odds of winning and by working out solutions, that is the achievement not just getting to the magic 300.

Text based instructions.
Original perfect 300 post by Andy
Theresa's Laptop tip
KC's ball alignment screenshot.

The game on video.
The whole perfect 300 bowling game on video.

Back to: Bowling Buddies main post
Trick 1: Average speed of 40km/hr
Trick 2: Clown award
Back to home: Ministry of game
Sending you a Caffeine Booster!

1 comment:

  1. Here is the method in french, if you want to get 300 too :)
